The Morgan State University Foundation, Inc.

The Morgan State University Foundation, Inc. is pleased to invite you to the 40th Annual Homecoming Gala which will take place on Friday, October 4th, at Martin's West located at 6817 Dogwood Rd Baltimore, MD. 

Our annual fundraising Gala is an exciting occasion for Morgan State University supporters and friends to celebrate and partner with us.  This event provides scholarship support for Morgan students, 85% of whom require financial aid.  Because of your generosity, we can provide extraordinary educational opportunities that prepare our young men and women to make a difference in the world and create a lasting impact on future generations. 

Consider purchasing a ticket to attend the gala, become a sponsor or placing a commemorative advertisement in our homecoming gala souvenir, "Morgan Magic" program book!

Early Bird Tickets are available until 8/9 for $300 per person — General Tickets are $340 per person. All tickets and sponsorships are non-refundable.

In alignment with CDC advisory regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, face coverings are not mandatory but are welcomed and encouraged. 

For more information, contact Shaquayah McKenzie, Special Events Coordinator, at or call 443-203-9387.

Impact + Purpose

The Annual Morgan State University Homecoming Gala is held to advance the Morgan Mission in Growing the Future and Leading the World – raising over $450,000 to shape students’ futures. For this 40th Milestone year, the theme of the gala is “Morgan Magic”. Quintessential to the Morgan history, spirit, culture and pride –”magic” is what we make and who we are. More importantly, “magic” is the best term to capture the current momentum in growth that the University is experiencing.


The 40th Annual MSU Homecoming Gala will raise critical funds for burgeoning initiatives focused on student scholarships and expanding academic opportunities. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of students working toward quality education.

Text to Give - 24MSUGala to 41444

Event Sponsorship

  • Recognized as Signature Sponsor in all marketing materials.
  • Organization’s name and logo are prominently displayed on event signage at the Gala.
  • Acknowledgment on the Gala website.
  • Two tables of ten at the Gala.
  • Table placement sign with organization name as a Signature Sponsor.
  • Four Bear Passes 2024-2025 one-year entry to football/basketball games, blue seats, and a parking garage pass for football only. (Includes Homecoming)
  • Two invites to the President's suite during homecoming.
  • On-air sponsors recognition on MSU National Public Radio affiliate station WEAA (88.9.) “We Educate African Americans” reaching over 100,000 listeners.
  • Cover Page Ad in Homecoming Gala "Morgan Magic" Program booklet.

Where We Lead

MSU's National Rankings

Degrees awarded to African Americans:

#1 - Bachelor's Degrees in

#1 - Master's Degrees in

#1 - Doctoral Research Degrees in

Morgan State University

Gala Sponsorship

VIP Reception



gold sponsor bge


PNC Bank_OrangeGray
sponsor Image power inc

Peter and Tammy Harvey

Altus Technology Solutions_CMYK Logo


sponsor mdenergyadvisors
sponsor mecu credit union

Regent Larry and Jean Ellis

Art and Jackie Lawson

Allan Myers

Carl and Joyce Turnipseed

vip sponsor shepherds gate
vip sponsor momentum advisers

Host Committee

Angela Gaither-Scott*

Erica Cryor

Celia Powell

Heidi Bruce

Carolyn Cole*

Demicca Ross

Harriet Gantt

Mandisa Blount

Mendele Cager

Justin Black

Ethel Steward

James Waddy

Shaina Diggs

E.W. Clinton

Martena Wylie Clinton

Anthony Johnson

Chanel Newsome

Denise Smith

Shaquayah McKenzie

Tara Turner

*special recognition notes for longest serving
