About Us
Morgan State University Foundation, Inc...
...is a separately incorporated nonprofit organized for the purpose of promoting the growth, progress, and general welfare of Morgan State University. The Foundation was established in 1971 as a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation to advance the university’s mission of teaching, research, and community outreach by raising and managing private funds for scholarships, faculty, research, facilities, and academic programs.
The Foundation receipts, records, and distributes gifts and grants from private (non-governmental) sources, such as alumni, parents, friends, corporations, and foundations.
Gifts made through the foundation are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law and are distributed in accordance with donor intentions.
The foundation addresses the needs of the university community in areas where government funding is limited or unavailable. It is through the foundation that Morgan State University seeks to identify and maintain private supporters who are willing to invest their resources in the university’s broad purposes.
Foundation Board of Directors
Executive Committee

Mr. Joseph S. Simms, III
Chief Diversity Officer
Stanley, Black & Decker, Inc.

Mr. Forest T. Harper, Jr.
Vice Chair
Development Committee
President and CEO

Mr. Mervin A. Bourne
Chair, Bylaws Committees
Associate General Counsel
Security at Meta Platforms, Inc.

Mr. Craig I. Spencer
Chair, Audit and Compliance and Finance Committee(s)
Assistant Vice President | Merchant Consulting
M&T Bank

Mr. Calvin H. Baker
Chair, Investment Committee
Managing Director and
Head of Strategic Relationships (Retired)
Brown Capital Management

Mr. David A. Sheppard
Audit & Compliance Committee & Finance Committee(s)
Regional Inspector General
U.S. Department of Commerce,
Office of the Inspector General

Ms. LeVerne A.B. Wallace
Committee on Directors & Chair, Nominating Committee
Development Committee, Bylaws Committee
Associate General Counsel
Security at Meta Platforms, Inc.

Dr. Geneva J. Williams
Development Committee
Leadership Strategist | Podcaster | Speaker
Author | Certified Life Coach
Dr. Geneva Speaks
Board Members

Lt. Col. (Ret) Michael L. Bell
MSU Alumni Association

Mr. Nicholas Edwards
Investment Committee
Investment Analyst
T. Rowe Price

Mr. Kevin L. Hawkins
Committee on Directors
TrueNorth Advisors

Mr. William A. Sherman, II
Board of Regents Representative
Finance Committee
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP

Ms. Trisch L. Smith
Development Committee
Global Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer

Mr. Stanley W. Tucker
Investment Committee
President and CEO
Meridian Management Group, Inc.

Ms. Dawn White
Audit & Compliance Committee & Finance Committee(s)
Vice President, Gas Distribution
Baltimore Gas & Electric
Ex-Officio Members

Dr. David K. Wilson
President, Morgan State University

Ms. Endia M. DeCordova, MBA
Executive Director, MSU Foundation, Inc.
Vice President, Institutional Advancement